Friday, October 21, 2011

Todd Grantham Appreciation Day

I've been spending a lot of time this week reading up on the post game incidents between Vanderbilt and UGA shortly after Georgia claimed victory over the 'Dores in Nashville. The more I learn about the situation, the more I support Todd Grantham defending his Dawgs. And the more I hear James Franklin say, "Rubbing our face in it..." the more I want to give him a towel to cry on.

Don't get me wrong. I do believe in sportsmanship, but I also understand that football ain't a gentleman's game. For further evidence, one need only view the video of Commodore #60 taking a cheap shot at a defenseless Kwame Geathers. Also, much has been made of the Todd Grantham/James Franklin feud. One local writer suggested that UGA "send a message" to their defensive coordinator, by suspending him for the biggest game of the season. I'm not callin' any names, but that concept is a little bit left of center.

In just his second season at Georgia, Todd Grantham is building a very strong foundation on the defensive side of the ball. And, if A.D. McGarity wants to send him a message, it outta be in the form of a raise...not a reprimand. Also, I would have liked to have heard Mark Richt verbalize some support for his players and coaching staff. I understand he was probably taking the high road, but his on field apology to James Franklin seemed a bit soft.

Todd Grantham has Georgia's defense on the rise and in honor of the great job he has done as the Dawgs D.C., I declare October 22, 2011 Todd Grantham Appreciation Day.

Click on the title of this post.

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