Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Braves and Fish - Game 2

Florida's Josh Johnson has been spotted an early 1 run lead in tonight's game between the dudes from Gator Country and the Red, White, and Blue clad Braves.

Starting pitcher, Tim Hudson, avoided a potential big fish inning in the first, when Marlin Mike Stanton grounded into a double play to retire the side.

As I type, Prado and McLouth have grounded out. With 1,499 RBIs in his MLB career, Chipper Jones stands inside the batter's box... and takes a base on balls. McCann now batting... Mac goes down on strikes.

Look for some updates in the comments section and feel free to provide your thoughts on tonight's action. Go Braves!


Rob said...

Fish on 1B and 2B. Buck (not you Belue) bats with 1 out. Hudson not sharp, tonight.

Wild pitch advances each Marlin 90 feet. Still 1 out. 2-0 to Buck.

Rob said...

IBB. Bases full of fish for pitcher, Josh Johnson. Braves need a double play ball.

Rob said...

RBI single. Bases remain full of fish, as Marlins take 2-0 lead.

Rob said...

Ouch. Coghlan drives in 2 more runs. Braves trail 4-0. Hudson ain't foolin' anyone, so far.

Rob said...

Infante files out. 2 gone.

Rob said...

"files" should read flies.
Anyway, Hanley Ramirez mercifully grounds out. Bad guys lead 4-0, going into bottom of 2nd.

It's early, but this game has already taken a sour turn.

Rob said...

Elsewhere, Nats and Philly tied at zero in top 3rd. Wash due up.

Dastardly Mets lead Colorado 1-0 in 2nd.

Back to Atl...Braves bats still silent. Fish due up in 3rd.

Rob said...

Damn. Logan Morrison leadoff HR puts Fish up 5-0. Hudson gettin' on my nerves.