You may have read the title of this post and started thinking, "Oh Lord, Rob's gonna lose his mind on this one." Not a bad guess. But, to quote Lee Corso, "Not so fast, my friend."
4-5 is what it is... a record. And an ugly one at that. But, what I've recently learned, is that sometimes the intangibles in life matter more than statistics. Have I lost you yet? Well, the lunatic fringe (which I used to resemble) has already checked out, or will call me crazy it matters.
Mark Richt's Georgia Bulldogs don't quit. So, why should we? The 2010 season has been filled with adversity and unkind endings. What matters most, is how we handle it. Week after week, the Dawgs have left their heart on the field. So, this is gut check time for us... the fans. And, regardless of what has transpired, there is no reason to fold our tents. It's time to rally around this team with unrivaled loyalty and support.
With Mark Richt at the helm, better days truly lie ahead. What happened Saturday is history. All things considered, I am still proud to wear a Georgia logo on my cap. It's time for the Bulldog Nation to hunker down and stand firmly behind the Red and Black! Let's show them the strength of our heart. Go Dawgs!!
Click on the title of this post, ya'll.
A Few Words On Healthcare
1 month ago
Rob - It was so good to see a new post this morning on my homepage!!! And, what a great message. You gotta have heart. If you're going to bleed red and black, you gotta support through thick and thin.
Go Dawgs!
You're right, as a Yellow Jacket fan I had to be strong so do Dawg fan have faith they will get back on top see you on the field KIDD.
your friend
COWBOY peace
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