To succeed as an athlete, one must have a certain attitude or swagger. Sounds like Hawks captain Joe Johnson has lost his. Following a game 3 loss to the Cavs, Johnson had this to say to the media:
"I don't know what we've got left. Hopefully, we'll play with a little fire, and not let them close it out on our home court. But I don't know."
Sounds like a man who is defeated and willing to concede the series to Cleveland. This is the leader of this current Hawks squad. After stating that the team "kind of quit," in the second half of game one, I thought Johnson learned something about letting such a pathetic statement loose. Clearly, he has not. This is not the mindset of a competitor. It's kind of the attitude of a "quitter."
Humor me for a moment. This team is in the playoff fight of their lives, and the team leader doesn't know what they have left? Are you kidding me, Joe Johnson?! He hopes his team will play with a little fire...and not let them close it out on our floor... What? How bout this, Joe Johnson? MAN UP, win game 4, and prepare to do battle in game 5?!!
There's no need to even mention the possibility of Cleveland closing out the series, unless you've given in and accepted that as your fate! Absoulutely unacceptable, number 2. Where's your mind at? You don't throw in the towel during the NBA playoffs!! Yes, Atlanta has it's back against the wall and their main nemesis is the MVP of the league. I get that. But, anything can happen, if you fight, believe in yourself, and continue to...FIGHT! This "woe is me" attitude is sickening, detrimental, and deflating to a team of young guys looking to Johnson for leadership.
Hopefully, they shut their ears to his words and listen to those of Mike Woodson. "Do we throw in the towel for Game 4? Hell no, we shouldn't do that. I'm going to push our guys to make sure they don't throw in the towel. Because if we force another game, anything can happen."
Good luck, Woodson. I just hope you can get Johnson to un-quit!
A Few Words On Healthcare
1 month ago
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