This article comes to you via the Who Cares Department at RS Sports (with an assist from ESPN News).
Topic #1: Texas QB Colt McCoy is sporting a Jake Plummer-esque ugly mustache. The Long Horn's offensive linemen forbid him from shaving it. WHO CARES? That nasty looking trash stash can't cover any Texas Tech wide receivers as time expires. And, it ain't able to block any Oklahoma Defensive Linemen. So...WHO CARES?
Topic #2: Tim Tebow cries after losses. We never saw another player in the nation play harder than he did, (following a tearful loss to Ole Miss), in the rest of the 2008 season. We also never saw another team play harder than they (Florida) did the rest of that season. And, God blessed them (Gators) with a national championship. What can I say about that? Corrine Brown, I can say...WHO CARES?
Topic #3: Brett Favre is a Viking. Rumor is, that the Minnesota locker room is divided. And, there seems to be a lot of dissension in the ranks. Allegedly, many Minnesota footballers are adamant about their support for Tarvares Jackson. Meanwhile, others are rallying around Sage Rosenfels. Whatever. Sounds like a typical case of pre-season B.S. banter. So...WHO CARES?
Topic #4: Major League Baseball says that anyone who leaked information regarding failed drug tests in 2003 is breaking the law. WHO CARES? David Ortiz does, but that's besides the point. So...WHO CARES?
Topic #5: The Mets are tankin' it, New York style. Additional fodder, is that ace Johan Santana is out until next year. Like it matters. Their season is already over. So...WHO CARES?
*Click on the title of this post for an additional topic. Here's a hint. It won't help anybody win games, regardless of how many times punted pigskins smack off of it.
By the way, if you enjoyed this article, call 680 the fan and ask them to cue the Mets song. Couldn't find a link to it. But, it would provide a perfect soundtrack for topic #5.
A Few Words On Healthcare
1 month ago